Rules & Regulations
Click here to download the Australian Ayrshires Rules & Regulations
- General Rules and Regulations
- Appendix Section R2 & R1
- Transfers & Leases
- Fees
- Artificial Insemination
- Embryo Transfer
- Judging Panels
- Show Ring Rules
- Competition Rules
- Australian Ayrshires (AA) shall have entire control of the compilation and publication of the Herd Book, and make all the rules governing entries of stock in the Herd Book, registers of transfer, leases, ownership and deaths, and fix any fees there on which it may deem necessary.
- The registration of stock in the AA Herd Book and entries in the Appendix section shall be open to members only.
- It shall be compulsory for breeders to notify the birth of all tattooed calves in a format deemed acceptable to AA at that time.
- Every member shall be required to register a stud prefix for use exclusively in connection with the name of animals bred by them or entered by them in any section of the AA Herd Book.
- Every member shall be required to register a separate tattoo brand, and each animal bred by them and eligible for entry in the Herd Book or Appendices R2 or R1 must be marked therewith, together with a separate identification number, within 60 days of birth. Such numbers to be applied in order of date of birth, and in the case of Appendix R1 and R2 females the letters R1 or R2, whichever is applicable, must be placed under the identification number. Until otherwise determined by AA, there shall be no fee payable for such a tattoo brand.
- The purchaser of a stud shall have no right to the previous owner’s stud name except with the sanction of the previous owner and with the approval of AA.
- A member shall not tattoo ineligible cattle with its registered tattoo brand or interfere in any way with the brand of an animal eligible for entry and every member shall permit their herd to be inspected for tattoo brands at any time by the duly appointed inspector of any State Branch of AA.
- Any animal submitted for registration in the Herd Book must conform to the following regulations:-a) Be named. The name should ideally be of not more than two words, exclusive of the stud prefix, followed by an ordinal number, if required. No registered name shall be altered except to correct an error or unless by direction of AA. Names excessive in length, misleading as to sex, relationship or origin, or objectionable in any respect, shall subject to appeal to AA, be rejected by the Secretary.b) Be subject to inspection for identity, marks of identification, breed type, character, and conformation, should AA so desire. The expenses incurred in such inspection shall be borne by the owner of the animal, if so determined.c) The cumulative percentage of Ayrshire Blood based on parental percentages shall reach 87.5%. Any animal known to have less than 100% Ayrshire Blood will have the known percentage recorded on the Registration Certificate.d) Shall not be eligible to be registered unless it has been properly tattooed in accordance with Rule 5.e) Shall not be eligible unless the requirements of these rules have been complied with in all other respects.
- “Poll animals” which comply with the foregoing rules shall be eligible for registration:-a) “Poll animal” shall mean an animal born without horns and without scurs or buttons affixed to the skull provided that no horns, scurs or buttons have been physically removed or detached from the skull.c) A “Poll animal” will be identified by including at the end of the name of each animal which is polled the bracketed letter (P)
- The breeder of an animal is, for the purpose of AA, the owner of its birth mother at the time of birth of such animal.
- Should an animal be inadvertently omitted from registration within the prescribed period of 12 months, then such animal may be registered with the approval of Federal Council.
12. Introduction of Outside Breed Genetics:-
a) Animals bred with outside genetics may be included into the Herd Book or Appendix R2 and R1 registers if they meet the following conditions:
i) To be eligible for registration into R2 appendix the blood percentage must be a minimum 37.5% Ayrshire blood.
ii) To be eligible for registration into R1 appendix the blood percentage must be a minimum of 75% Ayrshire blood.
iii) Blood percentage greater than 87.5% Ayrshire will be accepted for registration into the Herd Book.
b) Records to verify the breeding of all females submitted for registration under Rule 12, must be made available to AA.
c) The cost of registration is the same as for other entries.
d) Full details of the outside genetics must be provided.
e) An Inspection report must be provided, if requested.
f) Males will not be accepted into this Appendix register.
13. a) The registration of transfer or lease of all stock shall be made within 60 days of the date of sale or lease. The current registration fee for such transfer or lease shall be the transfer fee of $2.20 plus 2 percent of sale price with a minimum levy of $11.00 Pursuant to rule 16.
b) It shall be compulsory for the Vendor to officially transfer all registered stock sold. Such transfers must be made on official forms supplied by the AA and be lodged with the Secretary within 30 days from the date of the sale. Pursuant to clause 15c. The registration papers must be available at the time of the sale, or at the fall of the hammer at auctions. Upon the sale of any such registered animal either by public auction or private treaty the Vendor shall forward to the Secretary the transfer certificates of all registered Ayrshires sold, with the exception of those sold for slaughter, together with the minimum fee, currently $11.00 (including GST), or 2 percent of the sale price, whichever is greater. Until these amounts are paid, the Secretary shall record no transfer of any animal sold. Omission from the official transfer list will disqualify the progeny of any animal from registration in the name of the transferee. If any breeder should sell an animal not already entered in the Herd Book, it must be entered by them and the minimum fee, currently $11.00 (including GST), or 2 percent of the sale price, whichever is greater.
c) An independent written agreement may be undertaken by both the purchaser and vendor to cover the transfer date of cattle prior to, or following, full payment. A copy of this agreement must be forwarded to the Federal Secretary of AA and the dates of this agreement will determine the effective date of the transfer.
d) The recognition of a lease by AA shall entitle the lessee to exhibit the animal concerned as his or her property at a Show or Exhibition.
e) AA in its discretion, may at the written request of the vendor, cancel a registered transfer.
f) The vendor of a female sold in calf is responsible for the registration of the sire used.
14. Fees shall be as determined by AA from time to time and notified to members. Presently registration fees for males and females under 12 months are $9.90. Over 12 months an additional penalty may apply.
15. a) If on any animal the tattoo imprint of the breeder’s brand and/or serial number is considered faulty to an excessive extent, a Branch Committee may sanction such re-tattooing or further tattooing of the original brand as may be deemed necessary. In addition, the verifying brand shall also be applied under supervision of an inspector.
b) AA may institute a distinctive brand, to be known as “the verifying brand”, for the purpose of such brand being imprinted as a supplementary brand in conjunction with the breeders brand and/or serial number of any animal, the retattooing of which shall have been sanctioned.
18. When a bull, which is not the property of her owner serves a cow or heifer, the service certificate, signed by the owner of the bull, must accompany the entry form.
19. It shall be the duty of all members to keep proper records of their stud breeding activities in a register. Such records to be open for inspection by any person whom a Branch Committee or AA may appoint.
20. Animals got by artificial insemination must conform with the following conditions:-
a) Any AI centre or any person, group, association, company organisation or body who or which collects, processes, stores, uses or distributes semen with the object of inseminating stock (registered or eligible to be registered in the Stud Book) must be approved by the appropriate State Department of Agriculture or Federal Department, where applicable (e.g. ACT).
b) On insemination of an animal registered or eligible for registration, the person performing the insemination must supply to the owner a certificate of insemination giving the relevant identification.
c) A member shall state on the entry form or notification of birth that the animal was the result of AI and shall furnish all particulars required of him.
d) All bulls used to supply semen for AI must be registered in a Stud Book recognised by AA.
e) The Society may demand collection of blood or DNA samples from sire, dam and progeny for the purpose of checking parentage
21. AA may cancel any registration without assigning any reason therefore and may alter or vary any particulars relating to the registration of any animal and it may modify, suspend, alter and/or enlarge any of the rules relating to the registration of animals for any reason.
22. Requirements to register an Embryo Transplanted (ET) Ayrshire calf:-
a) The following should be forwarded to the Federal Office:
ii) A Certificate of Transplant from the ET technician, showing full details of the Donor Dam, Sire, Host Dams (recipients) and numbers of embryos collected and implanted or frozen.
iii) The correctly filled out herd book entry form.
iv) If the embryos have been imported from overseas, provide all the above, plus:
- A certificate from the agent etc saying that embryos were exported from the country of origin and imported into Australia.
- A copy of the parents pedigree.
- If purchased through an agent, some proof of this purchase.
The calves themselves need not be blood or DNA tested to be registered. If the ET animals are to be sold it is at the buyer’s discretion as to whether they are blood tested to confirm parentage. Such parentage verification tests must be completed within 6 months of the sale.
b) All resultant calves must be registered in the Prefix of the owner of the calf at Date of Birth.
c) All resultant calves must bear the letters (ET) on the Herd Book Entry form and in the Herd Book.
d) AA may at any time demand the collection of Blood Samples of the Sire, Donor Dam, Host Dam and Progeny for the purpose of checking parentage. Such samples to be at the expense of the Applicant for Registration.
23. Australian Ayrshires will maintain and regularly update the judge’s panels.
< p id="show"> SHOWRING RULES
24. Rules of the respective show society to be conformed to at the time of competition and animals to be presented with accordance with the adopted show and sale Code of Ethics adopted by Breed Societies in Australia.
Cow of the Year -
The Ayrshire Cow of the Year Competition is open to Ayrshire Cattle registered in the full Herd Book section only.
NOTE: Lactation must be most recent and 305 days completed within the competition year
All entries must be accompanied with a copy of the animal’s latest production certificate.
All points for Show awards to be obtained during the year of the competition.
The animal’s current classification score will be used to determine points for classification.
National Production Challenge -
The National Test Challenge is open to Ayrshire Cattle registered in the full Herd Book section only.
These competitions are for lactations that 305 day period is completed in the year of the competition.
Figures required are for a 305 day lactation period.
Owner sampling figures are acceptable, but this fact must be stated on the entry form.
Plaques will be awarded as prizes.
All Australian Photo Competition -
1. The All Australian Competition is open to Ayrshire Cattle registered in the full Herd Book section only.
2. Black & white or coloured photographs of females are eligible and must be at least 15cm x 10cm (6” x 4”) but no larger than 20cm x 15cm (8” x 6”) and must not be framed or bordered.
3. Only one photo per animal/group may be entered.
4. Photographs must not contain any information front or back that identifies the owner.
5. Entries must be sent on an official entry form available from the secretary with the entry fee.
6. Animals may be milking or dry in calf for Classes 2,3,4 & 5.
7. All entries must have on the top rear of photo written in felt pen
- year of entry
- class entered
- identification number (eg if you send in 3 entries they will be numbered by you 1-3)
Further information for Youth Photographic Competition
a. Age must be 18 years or under as at 31 December in the year of the competition
b. One entry per person per year.
c. Heifer to be shown (led in class) by yourself but you don’t necessarily need to own exhibit.
d. Age of heifer : Heifer to be under 2 years of age at the time of the show.
e. Heifer must be “dry” on date of show and photo of you holding her must be taken within 30 days of show while still dry.
f. Entry is free and winners will be published in the journal.