Results of the
2014 Australian Ayrshire Cow of the Year
The All Australian Cow of the year is determined by the accumulation of points for Classification,
Production and Show Results.
All registered dairy cattle within Australia are eligible for the award, nominations are to be made by their owners.
Winners are then announced at International Dairy Week in January.
1st Rockvale Remark Emileta
M & J Hyland, VIC
Classify - 8600 Lac. Milk - 10096 Lac. Prot. - 6400 Lac. Fat - 3730 Show Ch. - 0 Total - 28826
2nd Boldview Armadilla
Boldview Farms, SA
Classify - 9200 Lac. Milk - 8475 Lac. Prot. - 5580 Lac. Fat - 3770 Show Ch. - 0 Total - 27025