37th Annual Ayrshire Fanfare Sale
Monday 7th May at 11 am
Camperdown Showgrounds
Outstanding Ayrshire Cows and Heifers
- Autumn calved & close Cows & Heifers
- Winter & Spring calving heifers
- Unjoined heifers
- 1 Bull from 2017/18 Champ. Cow IDW.
Sires include – Burdette, Dempsey, Braddock, Oblique ,Free Beer, Far, Admiral, Triclo, McCoy, etc
Dams with PI’s to 137.
Also selling semen including Burdette
The long standing Fanfare has always sold outstandingAyrshires, this year no exception.
Click here to Download Catalogue
Don’t miss the Fanfare Show the day prior.